FCA Sports provides club sport teams that compete like any other regional club team, but with the mission and vision of FCA.
FCA Sports provides exceptional youth sports experiences shaped by coaches and volunteers committed to helping athletes not only sharpen their skills but discover truth, belonging and strength in something
greater than themselves.
Since 1954 FCA has been driven by the vision to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. As sport has evolved, and become less and less campus-bound FCA continues to live out it’s mission of reaching every coach and every athlete.
FCA Sports is a program of FCA, continuing in the tradition of reaching coaches and athletes through sport.
Want to help us
start another
sports program?
FCA wants to help you become the best coach you can be. We’re here to help you experience transformation and wholeness through Jesus so you can reflect Him to your athletes.
We call this being a 360 Coach.
402 Grand Ave STE #4
Grand Junction, CO 81501